I've been fascinated by a TV programme, 'The Great British Sewing Bee' - now just past its second week - which I wouldn't have bothered to watch were it not that one of the contestants, Stuart, has for me more than a passing resemblance to our own renowned and much loved blogger, Sean, aka 'SassyBear' @ http://idleeyesandadormy.com
Each week the the object is to give the contestants two or three tailoring tasks to produce, within a limited amount of time, as near a finished article of clothing as they can, which is then judged by two professionals. The series began last week with eight contestants, and two of them were eliminated and two more yesterday. They've been asked to come up with dresses, frocks, blouses, patch pockets on a skirt - and one of yesterday's tasks was to produce a pair of man's trousers. Stuart has now made the final four, though in each of the two weeks to date he was pretty sure that he'd be asked to leave (as indeed was I), but he's still hanging in there. He lives with his male partner in North Yorkshire, the part of the world where I myself grew up. He's attractively slightly camp, without it being in-yer-face, and he's as cute as a button. Whether he'll last beyond next week I'm not sure, but if he does get the boot, then, as all my interest will have dissipated, I'm not even going to bother to see who wins the competition outright.
So, is it only me who sees a strong resemblance between and S/b? However, I dare say that those who know Sean personally may well be less likely to see any similarity.
4 hours ago
I think I will stick with THE GREAT BRITISH BAKE OFF
ReplyDeleteNever seen it, J.G. - but if there's anyone on it even half as hot as Stuart do let me know.
DeleteI see a similarity with our dear sassybear, but I wonder if stuart's cosmos are as delicious? and I don't think sassybear can sew, but he CAN crochet.
ReplyDeletestuart IS a hottie! :)
Thanks for agreeing, A.M., but I wouldn't think any less of your opinion if you hadn't, as I've only seen both S/b and this Stuart in 2D, which must necessarily be only part of the whole picture.
DeleteYes, we've seen the evidence that S/b is a dab hand at knitting. As for his expertise in making a cosmo I'm happy to take your word for it - until I can find out for myself.
his cosmos are outta this world; he has no equal. you cannot get his cosmos at your neighborhood bar, that's fer damn sure!
Deleteyou BETTER find out for yourself next year at the blogger meetup; only 365 days to go!
It's in the hands of the gods, A.M. - or, more realistically, in those of the Lottery draw. But I'm not giving up on the dream just yet.
DeleteI definitely see a resemblance, but then, we never see ourselves the way others do, so maybe I'm not the best judge of this. However, I definitely want to find this show and give it a look-see.
ReplyDeleteAM is being too kind, although I have had a LOT of practice making cosmos.
I surely hope you can find a way to be here next year, Ray. I know it would be a herculean cost and effort, but it would be so amazing to have you here with all of us.
It's a pleasant surprise to hear that you too see a similarity, S/b. So often people who are told they look like someone else only see the differences.
DeleteIf you do manage to track down the show you won't help but notice one of the judges, who is also definitely a hottie, a tall one - but I didn't want to cloud the issue by mentioning him too in the main blog. But in a choice between him and Stuart my vote easily goes to the latter. He's a real sweetie.
I'd never even heard of such a thing as a cosmo until I encountered your blog. It would be nice to take it one step further and sample one (or three....four, five.....)
It's really nothing more than a bit of light-hearted banter from me to suggest that in reality I might be there for next year's 'do' . Even if I should miraculously come into money there'd be so much to arrange as a priority in order to turn my life around after 20+ years of austerity and make myself secure before even thinking of giving myself the luxury of the biggest and most ambitious holiday of my entire life. So please don't take me TOO seriously. Btw: I'd be horrified at the thought that anyone might think of helping to make such a visit financially possible - there's so much more to it than just the money angle. (Memo to self: "Stop over-playing the impression that it's a realistic possibility!"), But IF this miracle does somehow happen and it becomes more than just a fantasy, of course I'll come. You know I want to.
Another btw: Thanks for taking my blog in good heart when you needn't have done so.
I definitely have to try one of Sean's famous Cosmos. I see a resemblance of Stuart to Sean but Sean is even better in person Ray. Find out for yourself next year. We've reserved a place for you in the old time photo shoot.
ReplyDeleteThanks Ron. I can well imagine that S/b is even better 'in the flesh' than he comes over in the blogs - as will most people, I think.
DeleteThanks too for your thought on next year. I'm truly flattered but I think it's about time I quit mentioning a 'mere' dream as more than just that. (See my response to S/b above). If I appear to throw cold water on the notion I'll only say that at least it's not iced water - though definitely a rather lower temp than tepid!
jolly good fun! Can I be on the show?
ReplyDeleteI doubt it, Dr Spo - you'd be FAR too distracting - and maybe too fussy as well. :-)
DeleteI never fuss, and promise to take my Ritalin and not be so distracted.
DeleteWell that MAY make a difference - but I really think you have more than enough about you to make an entire show by yourself. (And I bet I'm not alone in thinking that.)
DeleteOh I see. You were turning my comment on its head and making out that YOU would be distracted, when you know full well that what I meant was that the viewers themselves would be distracted at seeing you. You really are incorrigible, my friend! :-)
DeleteI can see the resemblance Ray. I watched this episode by chance and I have to say I enjoyed it. I think I need to get a life!
ReplyDeleteIt's a life that goes on from which the likes of you and I are detached, Craig. Sewing as such has never interested me - but then neither have cooking or gardening, so I don't watch any of those either. I think when Stuart leaves this show will be much duller. I especially like his overt vulnerability and self-doubt.However, unlikely as it seems right now, he might yet win.
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