Oh WEEP, ye citizens! Another year when my bafflement at the result replaces satisfaction at recognition of quality. Sometimes this febrile annual extravaganza does throw up a worthy winner, as it did last year. This time not so - and far from it! It'll be forever a mystery to me why so many voted for this empty and silly offering from Israel (I refer to the 'song', not for the embonpoint-endowed young performer, Netta). After hearing it several times now I can still only recall the single, inane, bellowed 'hook' - "I'm not your TOY-OY!" Oh, mercy, PLEEEEEEEASE!
This is Israel's first win since trans Dana International scooped it in 1998 with another vacuous 'song' which, to be fair was rather more memorable than this winning 'novelty' act, replete with farmyard-like noises. This wasn't even the best of the several novelty acts - that distinction surely went to the far more polished Moldova, which finished 10th (out of 26):-
My own choices:-
Czech Republic (finishing 6th):-
Estonia - the operatic lady imprisoned in the swirling-patterned, circus-tent of a dress (8th):-
Denmark - 5 husky 'Vikings' stomping their way through a rather good. tuneful song. They included a couple of nice bits of 'rough'. (9th):-
But I finally reverted to my own original choice and cast my vote for Sweden which, in the first part of the voting, the 'juries' votes, was coming second after Austria, (which I rated as indifferent) only to be knocked down by the people's vote (huh!) to 7th place. I still think it was the classiest entry.
As for my least-liked:-
Predictably, perhaps, the hard-rock Hungary (21st), the boringly unmemorable Slovenia (22nd) - and the 'Spice Girls' of Cyprus, coming second! of all things! - and bookies joint-favourite with Israel. I can only ask why?:-
And, of course, among my least liked was............yes, Israel!
Then there was poor little SuRee of the U.K. following Eurovision 'tradition' by coming in at 24th place, though I really thought she would have come a lot of higher, and deservedly so.
Her act was near-highjacked by a stage intruder who grabbed her mike mid-song, shouted something about the "U.K. Nazi media" (no idea what he was referring to specifically!) and was speedily hustled off the stage, SuRee carrying gamely on, apparently little fazed. Good on her. It's currently not clear exactly who the intruder was, still under police detention, though it's being said that he is not British, and has done this stage-stealing action at least a couple of times before in other events:-
The quartet of female comperes really did drag things out rather more than it was needed, I felt - and why on earth, with 26 songs to get through, did the event have to start with two additional songs as well as all the unnecessary, but now obligatory parade of the flags? The contest itself didn't start until 16 minutes in! Then with last year's winner (now thankfully rejuvenated with heart transplant) providing yet a further two songs, though as he was in the intermission between all the acts having performed and the voting results, it was more forgivable. Nonetheless, by then my brain had been over-stuffed.
So there it is. Until next year in Israel (will it then be held in a 'new', Trump-promoted capital of Jerusalem?) when I can only hope that the final result will be more in accord with my own tastes than this one was.
41 minutes ago
o dear god... your recap has now made me want to see it.
ReplyDeleteThe acts themselves are entertaining enough to watch, Mitch, but when it comes to the votes being revealed a glass or to of something strong may help to cushion you against the WTF! reactions.
DeleteI think that last evening you and I had the WTF reaction at the same time! Could not believe that Israel won the popular vote. Huge disappointment!
ReplyDeleteBecause I am in the States, I was not able to vote. But if I were, I would have voted for Norway - "That's How You Write A Song." I also liked Spain, UK, Germany and France.
The one thing that annoyed me during the show was the commentators we had. Got so sick of hearing "Oh honey" over and over again. I hope that the ones assigned to your country did better.
All in all, I was happy to see the show at the same time Europe was watching it. Now, since I recorded the show, I am going back and review my picks and see as of this am they still hold up.
Taking your last point first, Paul, our commentator was Graham Norton, as it has been for the last few years. His talk tends to be disappointingly flat compared with what we know he's capable of, and is not anything like as amusing as his predecessor's was, the late, great Terry Wogan, who could justifiably take the mickey out of all that deserved it (i.e. most) without being offensive. We all still miss him hugely.
DeleteAs for last night's on-stage quartet of ladies, wearisome as they were, at least this year we were spared the endless cries to the audience of "Are you READY?" which usually plagues the show.
Norway wasn't too bad, I thought, with Alexander still retaining his cheeky-chappie persona, though the song wasn't anywhere near as good as his 'Fairytale' which, quite rightly, won it for him in 2009.
I can't remember Spain now, singing in second song place, the only position from which a song has never won. (The U.K. won it in 1976 when it sang first! - and with the song which became Eurovision's biggest worldwide hit to date, 'Save Your Kisses For Me' which even outsold in disc sale numbers 'Waterloo'.
I wasn't too keen on Germany's act but I did like the French one - France can be guaranteed to provide a high standard in almost every year.
I'm delighted you managed to watch it live, and you're still interested enough to return to see if your views have shifted. In my case the disappointment still feels too raw to do that yet, but I may do when I've come to terms with it.
As for Israel winning, I'm still reeling from the shock! How on earth anyone could think so highly that this was the BEST song on offer is beyond perplexing. And when Netanyahu says, as he's just done, that Netta has brought 'honour' to Israel, all I can say is "And cluck, cluck to you!"
You will never be able to understand what it means to be an Israeli.Song competition is much more than that for us,We are always vilified and criticized and isolated in the world,For us winning a song competition is one moment of illusion that we are like everyone else. Tomorrow is another day, we still have to fight for our life here. May be it was not the best song, but we won.
ReplyDeleteAnd I had thought that this was supposed to be a SONG competition! I've been clinging to that ideal (in vain, apparently) despite years of evidence that there's a significant political dimension to the votes - which is perhaps now all-consuming. Maybe they should just ditch all the songs and have countries just vote for the other country with which they feel the most sympathy.
DeleteCongratulations on the 'victory' which I'm sure you'll feel was well justified, on the grounds that in other respects you're so "vilified and criticised and isolated". I feel much the same way about the present attitude to the U.K. as regards Brexit (though, I admit, at least we are not "fighting for our lives") - and for that reason alone I think we deserve to win next year, whatever the song.
Thanks for your comment, Yael. Glad to receive it. XXXXX.
I talk about feelings not about how others should vote.
ReplyDeleteI get that, Yael, but I don't understand why you should think that antipathy towards a particular song translates as hostility towards the country it represents. I can still remember Israel's 1979 winner, 'Hallelujah', without having to play it - and then it had been a worthy winner. If the contest had been about feelings towards another country I'd have been giving the thumbs down to the Russian entries every year since they started appearing, whereas some have been not bad at all, including this year's, despite it having failed to make the final.
DeleteThank god its over! On our TV all the time and why Australia was in it I will never know!! Oh,I am Australian! LOL
ReplyDeleteI've no doubt that the relief I share at it being over would have been vastly different if the result had been more to my liking, but there you are.
DeleteI actually don't mind Australia being included. People shouldn't get too hung up on the 'Euro' part of 'Eurovision' - it takes in all countries which broadcast Eurovision programmes and there are very few of them (Eurovision programmes, that is). There was one year, 1980, when Morocco took part, a country which still broadcasts the contest annually. It hasn't participated since then mainly for political reasons - and specifically, because of the inclusion of Israel.
There has been talk in recent years about the U.S. joining in, which may be wild speculation, though if it does happen, I wouldn't mind as long as its inclusion doesn't dominate the agenda.