Saturday, 11 January 2025

Progress report on arm says 'Good progress!'


I really ought to have posted earlier, knowing how some of you had been seriously concerned, and which hasn't also been exactly helped by my long silences. 

However, on Xmas Eve the free-movement orthopaedic 'sleeve' on left arm was removed after two months wearing, which itself had followed a full month of plaster-cast with sling. At the time of removal I was worried that it might have been too soon as it felt at risk of being exacerbated by inadvertant sudden movement, like when you drop something. Even now I can't extend that arm fully. But after a session with physiotherapist nurse, and since then several-times-daily exercise of that limb real progress has been discernible. I'm still unable, for instance when eating, to get the fork in left hand to reach my mouth, but it's getting closer by the day. That's the current greatest 'inconvenience' which itself is not a big deal as I simply have to use the other hand to shovel it in, though hopefully for not much longer. (Nor can I, incidentally, use my left hand to....erm....'pick my nose'!) So there's no genuine cause to complain at what the hospital have most ably achieved, and I have to say that they certainly look after one - and all for free on our National Health Service, the equivalent of which all 'developed' countries have - well, nearly all. My greatest worry is if I might happen to keel over again at any time (which might very well finish me off!) so now have to be ultra-careful and extra slow in my ambulations, especially au dehors.

By the way, although it was classed as a 'broken arm' there was no fracture in the traditional sense of a bone splitting. What happened was that one of the two bones in the forearm (radius or ulna? I don't know) came away from the 'hinge' in the middle of the arm. When my X-rays came through the consultant wanted to show them to me but, being of the squirmy-squeamish type, I declined his offer. But I've now had several sessions of X-rays, and with the last ones his verdict was that it's "mending nicely" - which I can only assume that the 'separation' is now coming back together by itself. Can only hope so. Don't want to think too much about the details. 

So that's it. With more such good luck there shouldn't be any need to post more on ths 'Me-Me-Me!' subject which, anyway, must make for a boring read.

Thanks for all the good wishes. Hope it's now just a matter of (short?) time before we're back to 'normal' again! Cheers!