Wednesday 24 July 2024

Our latest 'bogeyman' - Charlotte Dujardin (bogeywoman/person?)


This makes me sick just to write about it. Shortly before travelling to compete in the Paris Olympics as part of the British equestrian team, Ms Dujardin C.B.E., set to become our country's most-gold-medals-ever-won female champion, has pulled out following the release of a video showing her training a horse to 'dance' in dressage, the dismounted 'she' using a whip on it its legs twenty four times as she follows the frightened creature around the indoor arena making it buck in obvious pain - minutes long. She now says she's "ashamed" but the video is four years old, and it was an "error of judgment"! Yeah, well done for such penetrating insight! Cripes! So are we seriously to believe that when this video was secretly filmed it just happened to be the only time she'd ever used this 'technique' and has never done it since? If she used that method to clinch the gold for dressage in Tokyo 2020 - and it having been 'successful' - why would she not have continued with that animal torture right up to these Paris Games? The only thing she's sorry about is that she's been exposed for the monster she is, rather than have another chance to grin ear-to-ear, mounted triumphantly on her tortured, 'dancing' beast. (Various animal welfare titles and charities have now been stripped from her). It, of course, remains in serious question whether any other members of our team now on their way to Paris had been aware of her antics - and, even worse, were any of them themselves guilty of following her 'successful' practices, perhaps trying to emulate her results with so much at stake? 

There are also issues as to why the video has only now being released, four years later - possibly a Dutch attempt to sabotage our team's chances in this event, it's been suggested. We don't know for sure yet. Whatever, I found watching it so unbearable - shown in full several times on both BBC and ITV channels - that I've had to change to a different, any channel.

This woman, already decorated as a 'Commander of the British Empire' (hate that title!) was on the road to being created a 'Dame' (as in Dames Judi Dench & Maggie Smith) by His Majesty King Chuck himself (our lovely Queen Camilla by his royal side), for crying out loud! - and she most certainly would have been made so if she'd won another gold, her formerly prospective elevated title now being shelved, at least for the foreseeable future - unless she's 'exonerated' of course. (Ha ha!)

Now although this issue had been headlines on all our news channels, yesterday alone we also had reports of a twelve-times stabbing in Kent (next-door county to me) of an army officer who is now still struggling to stay alive, as well as an incident at Manchester airport where a man resisting arrest and on the floor, was kicked in the face by a policeman who then stamped on his head. These human horror stories are certainly serious enough, hardly imaginable both, and some would maintain, perhaps not unfairly, that these are far more important than the report of a horse being mistreated, albeit severely. But animal sufferings cut especially deep down into me, and ones like this - which didn't have to happen - really make me mad.

Anyway, having got that off my chest (no, it's still there!) I can't wait for tomorrow when the Games really begin. I just love, love, LOVE the Olympics every single time they take place!!! - athletics events above all! - and this time the clocks of our country and that of the Games' host are a mere one hour apart so a whole lotta live TV coverage to watch. Lovely. Bring 'em on!


  1. I was so outraged when the story broke. ANY animals suffering by the hands of human make me boil. Im glad her golden career ended for her...she deserves it. I had been a passer by and saw her doing that to the horse....i would have went up grabbed the whip from her and used it on her a few times and see how she liked. I know it sounds brutal...but when I see an animal in distress by Hyde aide comes out and no controlling it. I also hope she had to pay some heavy fines.

    It stories lile this is why I have disdain for humans most days. I could go on about all the wrongs we do to animals but i don't want my blood pressure going up or to hijack your post.

    I hope this woman rots...I don't care how decorated she is.

    Meanwhile...I look forward to seeing those tasty morsels of Tom Daley and Jack Laughin.

    1. Your final sentence - Yes, Tom, together with champion rower Helen Glover, are to be the UK's joint flag bearers in tomorrow's opening spectacle, M.M. I'm happy for Tom as it was seeming he'd be getting 'past it' by now, but no, he's earnestly going for yet another medal (we all hope a shiny gold one!) in what's going to be his FIFTH Games!

      As to the body of your response, we are of absolutely identical emotions, such that I could have written what you write myself - if I had your direct brain-to-hand vocabulary.
      I only wonder which countries are using her condemned methods or similar, and I'm sure there must be several, most notably those that don't have animal cruelty legislation, usually for religious reasons which regards animals as lesser than humans - such as when at my primary (R.C.) school we were taught that humans were superior because an animal "has no soul". Strewth!

    2. I agree dear. Its also why I detest and can not stand horse racing. What a life for the poor creature....and only to be at times put down when an injury ensues.....all due to the entertainment of " superior beings".

    3. I'm with you on horse-racing too, M.M. (So no surprise there!) I hate it when our annual Grand National comes round in the Spring, the most severe test for a horse we have, longer than any other race and with ridiculously high and lengthy obstacles they have to jump, while their riders give them 'thwacks' to encourage them over, all to a baying crowd. More often than not serious injuries to several horses occur - regularly so bad that they have to be put to 'sleep', sometimes on the course itself. And all for the 'entertainment' of the masses! How on earth can a 'civilised' society keep putting up with this utter madness? Horrible, SO horrible!

  2. Both completely unacceptable and infuriating. People!

    1. It's genuinely maddening, Mitch, especially as an animal will never know WHY it's being punished, though that itself is irrelevant. Horrible, truly horrible!

  3. It's disgusting, and I don't believe for sa second that was the only time she used that cruel "technique."

    1. She's shames mankind, Bob - all for the allure of a piece of metal and the kudos she attracts for having achieved it. If only we knew every time she won by employing such hideous means. I'd like her previous medals, gained whether by fair means or not, to be melted down and she be compelled to drink it ALL - in one continuous gulp. And that's only for starters!

  4. I was disgusted too. I agree that if she was caught on film then there was no way that it was a one off. We would always hope that anyone working with animals would have a love of animals and this shows that sadly that isn't always the case. I hope she never competes again.

    1. She's just like most (perhaps nearly all?) politicians, Carol - only 'ever so sorry' once they are found out - because if they didn't say so it would affect their careers and future income. That's the top and bottom of it. (Damn the poor horses!) If they'd been truly regretful surely they would have brought it out themselves and publicly apologised before someone else had to find it out surreptitiously. And yet I suppose she STILL maintains that this was, very strangely, just an odd, totally unique, unrepeated blip in her otherwise faultlessly commendable conduct with horses. Yeah, right! - though thankfully we're not ALL gullible fools.

  5. I did not know any of this. I too detest hearing of animal abuse.

    1. It's heart-breaking just thinking about it, Dr Spo. I've got to make a mental effort to block it out - with not much success.

  6. What an awful woman she is. I'm glad she has been caught and is now being ostracized, but we all know she has done this for years; the horses are fortunate that someone caught her on tape this time. Have you watched the scenes in Turkey? People protesting the slaughter of all the street dogs. Gives me hope that good people are out there. I do what I can w/my local animal shelters; the abuse we see is just heartbreaking some days.

    On a happier note, I hope you've been enjoying the Games. The absolute joy on these athletes' faces is wonderful. And the Ukrainian fencing team bringing home a gold is priceless.

    1. I hope she's as envious as Hell watching her team doing so well in Paris, knowing that she could have been part of it, if only......Ha!
      Didn't know about what was happening in Turkey. Now that I do know I don't need to be told anything else. It's yet another reason to keep me awake at nights. Horrible. just HORRIBLE!
      What I've seen of the Games has been fabulous, but I missed quite a lot of the last few days because (guess what!) I've been stricken with COVID! Yes, my first time, and despite bi-annual vaccinations. Not at all 'pleasant'! But coming through now so I can resume catching these final days and, goodness me, these games are total FAB!

    2. Oh my goodness, Ray. Hope it is more of a mild case and you are recovering well. I have yet to get it; I'm sure my turn is coming!

    3. Recovery continuing, Elle, but maddeningly slow. The hacking cough is still here, as is still a sight fever, though nowhere near as bad as it was at the start. I don't 'recommend' it one bit. And all happening during these Olympics which in my books are the best ever, though with this blasted COVID I don't have the mental stamina and concentration to which for the daily hours of watching it really calls for. Why on earth did this have to happen to me right at this very time? But I'm sure that when the Games are over, so will be my illness. Shucks!
      Many thanks indeed for asking - and I do hope you manage to avoid it completely. It sure ain't 'fun'! ;-)

  7. I hate, hate, hate animal cruelty. I'm glad this wp, am has been exposed.
    Ron (from Retired in Delaware) Google doesn't let me post for some reason to some blogs.

    1. Good to hear from you, Ron. Sorry I haven't visited your own blog for some time but, as I've indicated before, yours is always so substantial that if I responded in the manner and length that your posts deserve, it would consume most of my day! And, as I've also previously said, yours is by no means the only blog I feel that way about, so I've just given up on even reading the others.

      We are entirely in agreement regarding animal cruelty. It's the subject more than any other for which I've got to make a huge mental effort to block from my mind every single night in order to get some sleep. I'm sure you feel similar.
      Best wishes to you.

  8. I know you're a political junkie like me, Ray: Did you watch the opening night of the Democratic National Convention last night? I did. Loved it. The diversity of the crowd, the speakers, is wonderful to see in a political arena. Thought Joe looked and sounded great. His speech made me cry, I have to admit; I have followed him for years and years; I grew up near his home state; no matter what anyone says about him trying to stay on past his time or whatever phrasing they use, Joe Biden is an extraordinarily good man and a hugely effective president. History will acknowledge that. Now is Kamala's turn to shine.

    1. I saw only a small part of Biden's speech, Elle, and that was by accident. I'm afraid that the aftermath of COVID has sapped a lot of my mental stamina, and I still haven't got rid of a wretched cough, though it's weakening power is lessening gradually day by day.
      Yes, I'd have liked to have seen the opening day's speeches. I only hope the momentum stays with Harris/Walz as D-Day is still such a long time away, and anything can yet happen. As Tr*mp daily gets ever more desperate and his lies become ever more outlandish (which itself takes some doing!) I'm only waiting for the time when he'll call his insane mob to come out with weapons at the ready, even to start killing which, he'll realise is the only way he thinks he can avoid prison, though it won't. But he's so far into his own madness that anything is possible, ANYthing at all.
      I'm trying to recover my mood for watching more, and I'm getting there, though this blasted COVID is lasting longer than I'd ever have thought.
      Thanks for visiting.

    2. I'm so sorry to hear this. I know COVID can just last for forever, it seems. I don't have any helpful advice, unfortunately, but hopefully you feel back to your old self soon!

    3. Thanks ever so, Elle. I'm getting there post-COVID - but 'there' still seems too far away to be graspable. If I could shake of the persistent cough it would make a world of difference.

      Watched part of 3rd day DNC speeches - including Oprah - and much of them are truly inspirational, though I do wish I never knew that Walz is a 'hunter' of deer and birds, though I'm trying my best to look past that (not without difficulty!). Otherwise his speeches and general cheery demeanour are a welcome tonic to yours - and, indeed, ANY country's - political scene. However, as ever I'm dreadfully worried about what you-know-who will do and say next next - anything under the sun which might help him get elected and stay out of prison. (ME-ME-ME-ME!)
