Saturday 27 January 2024

Oh my days! BBC's 'Traitors' now ended. Huge gap left.

 If you're not familiar with this programme's format - though you've almost certainly heard about it - I'll not here lay out details of what the programme is, because if you'd been already interested enough you'll have been watching it.

In my view, justifiably the TV sensation of the last couple of years - with the now just completed series being as maddeningly compulsive viewing as was last year's, leaving me bereft once more now that it's over. We're not even entirely sure there will be another series!

I won't even hint at any spoilers for this year's resulting winner(s?) of the accumulated £95,000 (US $118,000) prize money, nor any indicators as to the others who lost out by being 'murdered' or banished, despite my hoping they'd have gotten further - however, I actually have already laid a tiny clue as to one particular unsuccessful contestant I'd especially favoured. 

After 2023's 'baptism', I couldn't wait the too many months for the BBC to do another, so I watched on iPlayer the American and the Australian first series. And we were told that Australian second series is also now available to watch, so I'll shortly be going there. The American programmes used the same Scottish castle location and its grounds as the two British series did. As emCee/invigilator they had actor and gloriously camp Alan Cumming in the role, though that's not to take anything away from the superbly domineering (and a bit scary) Claudia Winkleman in ours.

This year's progs gripped me every bit as much as last year's though I did get rather more uneasy this time with the occasional increasing bitching between contestants which seemed to get downright nasty now and again - though they always insisted afterwards that in spite of the apparent hostilities they were all still friends. I've no reason to disbelieve them though when the arguments were happening I did sometimes get decidedly uncomfortable.

I wasn't going to do a blog posting on this subject but it's affected me so deeply, so rivetting it was, that I just have to relieve some of the weight from off my chest and get it out there. 

Okay, so now where's Australia Series 2?...........


  1. I know nothing about this (so thanks for no spoilers). I guess it's time to check it out.

    1. Of course it'll not be everybody's cup of tea, Mitch, but do give it a go - and perhaps you'll be drawn in too like so many of us in just about each country so far where the format's been tried.

  2. I really enjoyed both last year's and this year. Won't say anymore as I too don't want to give any spoilers.

    1. I'm so very pleased that you also are a fan, Carol. I do hope there'll be another one, even if we again have to wait a year to get it.

  3. I also have not heard of this but will check it out. Sounds interesting!

    1. It may not turn out to be be your 'bag', Elle, it sure isn't everybody's - but do brace yourself just in case you too become hooked as yet another of its millions of victims.

  4. I heard about this show for the first time maybe two weeks ago and now I'm seeing it everywhere; perhaps I should check it out.

    1. If it turns out to be appealing to you, Bob, you won't regret having found it, I promise.

  5. I'd been wondering why you hadn't mentioned it on your own blog, JayGee, so now I understand. Just because it resonates with me doesn't mean that it should with everybody else.

  6. I heard about this show on a podcast. I don't watch TV but sometimes I like hearing about TV shows and how people like/don't like them.

    1. It's become here the unlikely TV sensation of the last two or three years. Given that I knew what it was going to be about it's not something I would normally have bothered with, but after watching the first programme of series 1 I found it so compelling as to be hooked - and had to also watch the American and Australian versions. Oh, so sad am I!

  7. I had never heard of this, either, so I had to go and look it up and read about it. I can see why it is intriguing, but I swore of reality shows a while back and I just can't go back to them, no matter how good they sound. I am glad you enjoy it, though.

    1. I too have no interest in reality shows, S/b, though this one has had practically unanimous positive reviews. However, whereas the American version has celebrity players - none of whom I'd heard of, at least in its (so far) one series - the British and Australian teams are made of non-famous members of the public. though it's true that they are chosen from a large group of applicants.
      It's going to be at least several months before our third in the series comes on - and we understand that there WILL be one - and it could be that the feelings of slight discomfort I've started having will be magnified to the extent that I can't watch any more. That was due to my non-liking of the latest eventual winner, personality-wise, though he was, I admit, an extremely good player (= 'liar') which was what the game is all about.
