Saturday 16 October 2021

'Me-at-75' pics loaded.

 After much faffing around with my camera of yesteryear, I finally got to load the pics I wanted to include on yesterday's post.

So this my 2021 birthday shot -

Puts me in mind of Shakespeare's version of King Richard the Second being deposed by Bolingbroke - who was about to become Henry the Fourth - when Richard calls for a mirror which, on arrival, he berates it for not showing up the furrows in his brow and face brought about by his cares, so he then deliberately drops the mirror to shatter it. Although I didn't bust my ancient camera by letting it fall to the floor, I do know just how Dickie felt. Similarly, but much more modestly, this pic gives no indication of the turbulence going on underneath. Deceitful camera!

I've also managed to update my profile pic, of which the following is a contemporary alternative version taken this morning..........

 And finally, for good measure to raise a smile, possibly, Patchie (the 'Boss'. my junior by sixty years!) on my lap a few hours ago...........though please don't dwell on the hideous tummy bulge! (Mine, not his!)

That's all for now, folks.



  1. Love the birthday shot, and, of course, the cat in the lap!!

    1. It's the pussy pic that's the winner. There can never be fair competition, and he knows it. :-)

  2. I love the new Birthdays shots. And the first one sort of reminds me of my brother in laws uncle, who is Greek and lives in a fishing village there.

    And who minds any tummie...Pathchie seems to quite approve and that's all that's matters.

    1. I'm taking your comment about a resemblance to your bro-in-law's uncle as a favourable observation, M.M., 'cos that's what I need right now
      ....and yes, Patchie's easily pleased as long as he gets his food and comforts.

    2. Why yes! Greek men are handsome and have such character.

  3. Good pics! There will be times when you won't want the camera to show everything going on behind the face.

    1. Maybe so, RTG - though they do give the impression that all is going swimmingly - very far from actuality.

  4. Belated birthday greetings, Ray! I was admittedly worried when you didn't blog for so long. I'm relieved to know that you're doing okay - - but I can fully identify with what you said about "the turbulence going on underneath". Life is filled with complications and unpleasantness - and it only increases as we age.

    The photos are great. You look like a Shakespearean actor - and your furry feline friend is adorable.
    I'm still residing with two cats. Bosco is seven and Kitzee is now fifteen.

    Take care and keep us updated on your "adventures".

    1. Really great tp hear from you, Jon. Thanks for dropping by.
      Sp good to hear of Bosco and Kitzee, your little, irreplaceable 'guardian angels', which is also how I hope they see you.
      It's been a tough past year for me, with every year seeming to be more problem-riddled than the previous one. Maybe that's another symptom of getting old.
      Please take good care of yourself, as well as B. and K., and hope to be able to 'speak' with you again before too long.
      All the very best to you.

  5. Happy birthday again (not as in “oh god another birthday“ but as in “more birthday wishes this year”). Great to see your face. Sorry about the turbulence. The Boss is a beauty. And what tummy bulge? All I see is a green pully.

    1. 'Ta' once more, Mitch. Hoping that calmer 'weather' lies ahead. It's long overdue.

  6. The tum tum is well-earned, dear. And the kitten, adorable. I would cast you as King Lear. Kizzes. Hmmm... think of an all-male version... that would be fun.

    1. My kitties give me no false affection a la Regan and Goneril, U., as long as they continue to get their feeds. But with their claws I hope they don't find reason to give me the Duke of Gloucester treatment.

  7. Yay, another post! I love the hat.


    1. Cap reflects my age, S/Bb, as well as providing the admirable service of concealing my increasingly bald crown.

  8. I like your cap, too, Ray.

    I reckon you look to be in pretty good nick for 75. Thanks for posting the new photos.


    1. Cap is 'functional' rather than fashionable, Rozzie, though must say that it fulfils that purpose well. And thanks for the nice compliment too.

  9. Cameras seem so deceitful, especially as we get older, showing us a face we don't recognize. (Much like mirrors!) I should update my social media with a new picture, and I will. Eventually!lol

    1. Seeing my face in a mirror not my own has always ben a shock to the system for me, Sadie. It's an illustration of when the truth really DOES hurt.

  10. Well done on getting to grips with the photos. Patchie is adorable.

    1. He bullies me as well as the others, Carol. He knows full well that that's what it takes to get his way.

  11. Happy belated birthday, Ray! I think the pics are lovely. Glad to hear you may be going back to the movies. I am hoping to see Dune; not sure how good it will be but will be nice to just be back in a theater...

    1. Belated but effusive thanks to you, Elle.
      I know now that I won't be going to the cinema with anything like the frequency I used to. Having done my 'duty' by seeing the latest Bond the only other film coming up which I definitely will see 'cos I'm so looking forward to it so much will be 'West Side Story' on which I'm pinning great hopes.
      I recall being greatly disappointed by the 'Dune' of 40 years ago, despite it having David Lynch as director {oh, all those interminable sand-worms!). I'd read the novel only shortly before and the film came nowhere near what it ought to have been like. The trailer for this new one looks okay so I MAY go. But apart from those two films nothing much on the horizon appeals to me.

  12. I too enjoyed the photos. I am also glad to see all the comments here; you are surrounded by Love.

    1. The comments have all been very heartening, Dr Spo - including yours of course, Thanks you ever so.

  13. Wishing you belated birthday wishes, and I’m so sorry to hear you’re dealing with hidden turbulence.
    I started to read your blog after seeing some of your comments on John Gray’s blog, and I often find your writing so moving and profound.
    I’ve missed your presence here, and I’m so glad you’re back. Sending you lots of positive good thoughts and much love.

    1. I'm deeply touched by what you say, Julie.
      Many thanks for the b/day wishes which are greatly appreciated. I send my own thoughts to you with en enormous love in return. XXXXXXX.
