On the BBC News last night there was a segment on the Russian government's dilatory response to the virus, the impact on that country only just starting to be felt. Although there is now an official recommendation for social distancing and an injunction for all over-65s to remain indoors there's as yet no enforcement. Public response has been patchy. And up to now there's been no special restrictions on church services.
Outside one of the tightly-packed Churches a female member of the congregation was questioned on the wisdom of allowing such large gatherings. Her response:-
"It's not possible to get the virus in a church. It's a holy place."
And her profession? She's a doctor.
I'd like go say they deserve what they get, and I would if it weren't for their taking down so many innocents with them.
So Gawd help us! (but please not them!).
52 minutes ago
Ignorance at its best. I've hear about that actually, and you're right, it's not happening just in Russia. People are just plain dumb. Maybe that's why a virus like this is present, to remove the stupidity in the world. Just kidding.
ReplyDeleteOr am I? ;)
You can bank on it that her Pres. Putrid would endorse her comments. Why? Because he just CANNOT afford to upset all those bearded Patriarchs and their blinkered followers who are allowing him to remain President - for the entire remainder of his life, it now seems. The 'inconvenience' of allowing a few million of his compatriots to die is as nothing compared to his imperative need to hold onto power. I should think that he sees the corona-virus as the answer to the prayers of this onetime leading Russian atheist.
DeleteI was just wondering the other day, just why I have not heard anything about Russia mentioned yet. I saw where just a very small bits of countries no no cases yet, mostly in Middle East and spots in Africa. Didn't mention Russia. And it wouldn't surprise me in the least if they didn't handle this badly...they don't believe in a lot the "hoax" business of things. This will not be the time to do so.
ReplyDeleteNot to be a stone cold ice queen, but I love the plant and animals kingdoms, and the planet, so your closing line, "I'd like go say they deserve what they get, and I would if it weren't for their taking down so many innocents with them." is not far off and to be believed and I firmly believe in it.Russia just yet another example. The way mankind and their greedy, littering, using it's resources, more constant taking of land, disregard in killing animals "just because" and the attitude the planet is just ours.... the time has come to for the reckoning, it's not nice to fool with Mother Nature. I firmly believe she has a way to balance things, and now the bill is due.
So much of influential African current opinion is that the virus is a 'white man' thing (clearly to include the Orient too) because that is what so many Africans would rather hear. But It truly would be a 'miracle' if that continent is spared the ravages it's now taking on in the majority of places. Same goes for some mainly Muslim countries/areas. It's surely just a matter of time - and that being a not very long time either.
DeleteThis matter of Nature performing a 'balancing' to rectify Man's careless and abusive use of what we have has a strong appeal, and I too would like it to be so.
I'm afraid that where animals are concerned I've got to bring the shutters down in my mind otherwise if I dwelt on it I'd go stark raving mad, the subject pressing my most sensitive buttons as it does.
Oh Ray! That's just scary and sad.
ReplyDeleteIt's beyond belief how people can make such a dire and tragic situation even worse - and all in the name of religion, so that's okay. ("Beyond belief" - yes. Or it ought to be!)
DeleteThe impact in some of these countries is unimaginable. In this time i am glad that we are a small island nation away from everyone else with a sensible government, making sensible prudent decisions (we are all on complete lockdown since last week). All schools and businesses closed, except hospitals and supermarkets.
New Zealand
And we're still on the first lap, Poppy, with no idea how many further laps there are to be. I do hope NZ remains one of the 'sensible' countries and see this out in a fashion we wished we'd all copied. There's precious little evidence right now that other countries are emulating yours. I reckon that still too many governments, those with free elections, are over-focused on holding onto power, and scared of losing it by ordaining unpopular measures.
DeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleterussia + the USA + brazil = ignorant together
DeleteAll those three have a major common influence - religion - or, to be more precise, Xtianity. But not to worry, the others will soon catch up. :-(
DeleteRussia will do anything not to look bad or weak so the virus will terrorize their country.
ReplyDeleteWorse yet is Bolsnaro of Brazil who said Brazilians will not get sick. I would never with the virus on anyone, but ...
Stay safe, sir.
The only thing that MIGHT change their tactics is that the leaders of these countries catch the virus themselves (NOT to die from it, mind - we wouldn't want that, would we?) or, if not, someone really close to them. As they're all so minded about 'Me, Me!', let them be hit where it hurts most.
DeleteThese are the same people who praise the lord because ONLY 32,000 people have died.
ReplyDeleteYes, that surely can only be Divine Intervention. Another miracle! So there IS a God! See!
DeleteIn every plague Heaven is induced to explain deny and blame. Too bad we still go to the archaic in times of uncertainty
ReplyDeleteI think it's an attempt to rationalise what cannot be explained in 'conventional' religious terms by substituting the idea that 'God knows best' whatever happens, shifting the responsibility onto an entity which itself cannot be explained.