This pre-historic (11-year old) computer went down last Friday, which explains my absence of late - that's if anyone had noticed. Computer chappie came this morning and said the problem was my hard drive, whatever that is. Anyway, upshot is that he's done a temporary, 'sticky-tape' fix which could hold out for a while longer but also may give up again at any moment.
I'd already decided that there's no other option but to go for a brand new, up-to-date laptop (with Windows 10, as against the Windows XP I'm still using) to replace this primitive. monster-sized desk-top contraption, and that's what he's going to help me to buy sometime within the next month. So, just in case I disappear again, just assume that I'm still here, alive and kicking, until I re-emerge in new guise.
Btw: The situation meant that I missed the chance to do a posting on this year's Eurovision Song Contest, which I do every year, but the interest has been and dissipated by now. In any case, as this year it was broadcast live on American TV ('Logo' channel?) for the first time, some of you may well have watched it along with yours truly.
As nearly always seems to be case, I can't for the life of me understand why the winner won - this year that shouty, dismally political, Ukrainian entry - and as for the Aussies taking second with that young lady yelling the bejeesus out of her song, 'The Sound of Silence' (original title, what?) - how the headache-inducing chanson got to be runner-up, well I'm blowed if I know. The Russian entry coming third was at least worthy to be high-placed, and better by far than the two finishing above it. And, naturally, U.K. followed tradition by coming 24th - or third from last (getting nul points from the public vote!). Could have been worse, I suppose, even though I deemed it deserving enough to finish in the first 10 or so. (My own vote was for the Austrian entry - sung in French! - which finished in an uninspiring 13th place).
Btw2: For some reason since the computer chappie's been and gone I'm now unable to access certain blogs. Dunno why. So far I've found that I can't get into Fearsome's and Stephen Chapman's blog. There may be more. Might be something to do with Firewall but I'll keep persevering to see if I can get them all up as before.
Anyway, now you know - all here, present and correct. Hoping to do at least one film review later this week, if computer will allow.
See ya!
17 minutes ago
I WAS getting concerned about you; you were MIA in posting a comment on my dance party and spouse's new blog entry.
ReplyDeletethe hard drive is where all your computer programs and operating system live. if that "gives up the ghost", you gotta get a new computer. so CONGRATS on getting a new one! :)
Thanks, A.M. I was particularly hopeful you'd see this post as my absence from your own weekly music blog might have been looking conspicuous - and it would have been too long to have posted all the above on there.
DeleteThe good news will be that when I get the new laptop I'll have sound again, and not only that, but I'll be able to plug it into my TV which will be so much better. So looks like better days ahead. Meantime until that happens, for the next coupla weeks I'll have to limp along with this decrepit one, hoping it'll hold up over the interim. But I WILL be here. Thanks again for your concern.
I couldn't find the live feed of Eurovision until the final night, so I missed the earlier nights. I "discovered" it two years ago, but (being American) just watched highlights on YouTube. So imagine my disappointment to 'finally' get to watch it--and it was all ballads? What the? I agree with you on the winners--I didn't see the appeal in neither the first place or second place winners. Oh well, there's always next year!
ReplyDeleteYou didn't miss that much in the semis, Sadie. In recent years I must admit that, against other opinions, I myself thought the general standard had been unusually pretty high. Not so this year. As you suggest, so many over-earnest belted-out, nondescript, forgettable ballads, mostly sung by young(ish) ladies bawling it out as though their lives depended on their being fortissimo! Oh, for goodness sake!! Put a sock in it!
DeleteAnd, predictably, there's already talk of Russia withdrawing from next year's contest in a sulk about their being pipped by the inferior (to them) Ukrainian dirge plus the migrainish Aussies. Well, let them go for all I care.
Yes, there's always next year - which is exact;y what makes the whole darn event so maddeningly watchable!
I can't believe how long you've been able to hold that relic together and glad "computer chappie" (everything sounds better when you write it) was able to give it a little more life. Hope it lasts until you can replace it.
ReplyDeleteStill hanging on in here, Mitch. Though still functioning, the walls are closing in around me. I've now found there's another blog I can't access - Sassybear's, whom I've just e-mailed to tell him and wish an H/b for today. I can still get into yours, though, so I'd better post something there before yours too goes walkies - though any that do disappear should return on my new one when it comes.
DeleteYup, 11 years has been a good run, but now I'll be grateful for when I can put this to sleep.
A new computer! I'm green with envy!
ReplyDeleteIt was a choice of doing that, Bob, or leaving the computer world which, as you can appreciate, would be unthinkable. Life without a computer would be like having a limb lopped off.
DeleteMind you, I've haven't detailed here the anguish I'm going through with regard to financing the purchase of a new one - but though it's critical for me it'd be as boring as hell to everyone else, so I'll not go through that here. As to how quickly I can get to operate Windows10 with sufficient skill to have made it worthwhile is entirely a different matter.
and the cyber world would be an AWFUL place without your voice!
DeleteGrateful for that, A.M. - but it's precisely because I need to hear the voices of OTHERS that I need an efficient way of keeping in touch.
DeleteI definitely did notice your absence and was worried - but I assumed it had something to do with computer trouble. I do hope that you'll be able to get a new laptop soon. You certainly deserve it. And you'll be able to view all of our (your fellow bloggers) endless videos!
ReplyDeleteI'm still using Windows 8 - - although annoying Windows "messages" keep urging me to update to Windows 10. Who knows, maybe someday I will....
DeleteI'm flattered to have my absence noticed at all, Jon, so am chuffed that you noticed it, with a few others.
DeleteShould get my laptop within next week or so, but am nervous about how long it's going to take me to get used to using it satisfactorily. It's always a mystery to me as to why computers don't come with operating instructions - especially when so many of us have no one on hand to ask for help. Still, can but see how it goes.
I got my laptop a year and a half ago. At first I hated it and thought I'd never get used to it. Now, however, I love it and would never go back to a desktop computer.
DeleteIt takes awhile to get used to a laptop - be patient and give it time.
I also initially didn't like the "touch-pad" instead of the "mouse", but now I do.
Hang in there, Ray! I'm delighted that you'll finally have a useable computer!
Thanks for your encouraging words, Jon. Must admit I'm quite apprehensive about the multiple frustrations I'm going to experience while getting used to it, but the thought of a shining goal at the end should make it all worthwhile. I'm also especially excited about being able to plug it into my TV, and be able to watch/listen to TV/Radio progs on 'catch-up' as well as being able to watch DVDs for the first time. So should be good times ahead and I'll just have to put with the initial exasperations which will, hopefully, reduce over time.
ReplyDeleteI missed you too.
ReplyDeleteThanks you, Sir. I'm glad you've posted here as it gives an opportunity to tell you (if you hadn't noticed my comments on other blogs already) that your own blog is one of several I'm now unable to access for some reason. I only hope that it'll not be a problem if, as I expect, a new laptop is here within next few days. Fingers are crossed.