Monday, 10 March 2025

Two American politicos for whom I've got the 'hots'.

Maybe with me it's a passing phase, though I hope not - even if at my age it may seem like baby-snatching, when happening upon either of these similar-looking dazzling guys appearing on my lap-top, I'm so transfixed by their appearances that I pay far less attention to what they're saying than a serious politico-watcher ought........ 

Hayes Brown, Writer/director with MSNBC Daily:-

And -
Maxwell Frost, Congressman for Florida 10th District:-

I've purposely avoided delving into the background and histories of these two, for not wishing to unearth something I'd regret learning about - though it would genuinely astonish me if there were to be any such thing. However, one never knows........

I think it was about 10 years ago when I posted about my over-bearing fascination with American politics, such that by far the largest share of daily time spent on my laptop was watching YouTube postings from left-of-centre (or at least 'middling') American sources. Resulting from a realisation that such a practice got me nowhere other than to keep me up to date - though also, frankly, being a 'waste of time' - which might have been better utilised on doing something more productive. I did then manage to curtail my excessive interest. However, now with the political American scene having been transformed in the last decade or so into a near-monstrous attention-grabber, I've found that its appeal has once again become irresistible, this time with an horrific dimension which very few could have imagined, let alone wished for. So here it is - I'm back to spending easily the majority of my lap-top hours on American politics once more. I know that a determined effort ought to be made to get control of my screen-watching again - though the likelihood of either of these two gentlemen appearing on my screen (with my slavering over them) sure don't make it easy for a lone, old, sex-starved being like yours truly.