Sunday 5 April 2020

Oh REJOICE! Laptop problem largely cracked!

Thanks to so many of your encouraging messages of support, positive suggestions, and (my own) persistence, I've at last got round the biggest problem I've had since last mid-week - (hooray!) - namely. an inability to access the @ sign, now solved as you can see. I'm able again to send e-mails to ask for assistance plus everything else. 
If anyone is curious as to know how we've arrived at this point I won't repeat it all here, but it's set out in my previous post under the last comment of 'Anon'. At least I can now return to some semblance of 'normality' (in these abnormal times), even if there's some measure of hiding still some measure of inconvenience of doing so, which may not be apparent, but still small beer when set against the far greater urgency of dodging that blasted virus! 

Meantime, thanks again to all who offered their help whether it worked or not. Warmest of hugs all round!
And now I'll probably spend the rest of the day whistling 'Gaudeamus igitur' !


  1. Oh that cat face made my day... as Dudo and Moose continue to stare me down while they await treat time. They started staring a half hour ago. Treat time isn't for another hour... or is it? So glad you've got a work-around. (And glad the laptop itself isn't "largely cracked.")

    1. That superlatively attractive pussy-cat I found near the beginning of the pictures on googling 'smiley cat', and there can hardly ever have been a more winning image. JUST LOVE IT!

      Yes, re the laptop I think you can imagine the ENORMOUS relief I now feel in being able to contact those who are really vital to carry on with life as it should be. Shows yet again how we have (nearly) all come to be so very dependent on computers - and other gadgets.
      Anb, by golly, I sure did come close to cracking the actual laptop itself!

  2. That is great news, I am so pleased for you. Any triumph at the moment is to be celebrated and computers feel so vital during these strange times.

    1. Thanks indeed, Carol - and for your much valued support. Just goes to show how vulnerable so many of us have become. Will I learn from this 'lesson'? Oh, probably not. :-)

  3. Anon again. If the punctuation and squigglies are different on the on-screen keyboard, you may indeed have switched the keyboard layout. Is your @ key usually supposed to be above the 2 key on the top row, or is it supposed to be above the single quote key? Try pressing the other button (with shift) and see what happens.

    1. The 'real' keyboard in front of me has the @ in the same position as it is on the on-screen k/b i.e. right hand side, same key as ', immediately to the north-west of one of the shift keys. When I do what you suggest, no effect. It's becoming clearer to me that it's the hardware keyboard at fault. Until the laptop repair shop is able to re-open and check it out I'll assume that's the case and carry on with a combination of real and onscreen k/bs. It's a slight nuisance but I'm not going to moan about it any more, being so pleased to have a workable and liveable-with procedure back. Thanks for still giving your time to thinking about it, though.

  4. See, it's like I always say, not every 'Anon' is a troll!

    Great news that you're back up and running!

    Stay safe.

    1. This particular 'Anon' has been a 'saviour', Bob. I only wish I could show my appreciation in some not-TOO-extravagant monetary recompense.

      You stay well yourself now, d'you hear?

  5. Yay! It's always nice when you don't have to throw things out of a window! Love the cat face!

    1. Great relief, D. - and thank heavens I resisted the strong temptation to kick the contraption around the room (or something just as damaging)
      I didn't have to look far to find that cat on google. I think it was the third pic there and it won me over in a trice. Very pleased indeed that you appreciate it too.

  6. Really, really glad to hear that, man! Like I told you earlier, technology sucks sometimes but unfortunately, we can't live without it anymore. The cat photo is adorable! :)

    1. Yes, unless we're technology nerds ourselves we're entirely at its mercy. If anything goes wrong we're in one hell of a fix. Thank God for reliable Anons we can trust.

      The cat pic is irresistible, isn't it? Glad you're an ailurophile yourself. For me it's almost a status symbol of 'taste', though I do love ALL animals, it's just that cats are at the topmost summit. :-)

  7. That is great news!!! It's like a weight been lifted when these things get resolved. It's an awful feeling being with a laptop, or the ability to not get online or visit blogs and such.

    1. Thanks, M.M. Still a bit awkward having to switch back and forth between actual keyboard and on-screen one but liveable with until the laptop repair shop re-opens. At least I can do whatever I need to now, one way or another. It really is a great relief.

  8. As I read these in reverse order (more recent backwards)I am glad it is fixed no need now to read the previous post. hohoho

    1. Not quite 'fixed' [as in 'cured'] but I certainly do have a temporary workable solution which will see me through until a proper repair can be investigated. Nonetheless very pleased.

  9. Welcome back to the writing world ..., I'm glad that your computer keyboard has been successfully used again.

    Your cat image is funny 🐈

    1. Not quite there yet, H.S. Actual keyboard is still as faulty as it was. To write something I have to use a combination of the real, defective one and the virtual on-screen keyboard. It's slowed down the typing a lot but at least I can get there - eventually. But thanks for your thoughts anyway - and yes, that cat makes me smile every time I look at it.
