Friday, 12 March 2010

Me - this morning

Although I see my face in the mirror several times a day it takes a mugshot to bring home how old one really looks. I made eight attempts this morning and this is the least unflattering one. It's a sobering thought knowing that one is not going to look any better in future - so that's my excuse for putting this on the record before I appear even more decrepit.


  1. Unflattering? Decrepit? Are you crazy? You look very woofy to me!

  2. Just can't see it myself, Larry, but I do appreciate your comment. At least it makes me feel a bit better - but only a 'bit'. Thanks.

  3. Ray beauty is terribly subjective. You are a handsome man, with strong masculine features, you just have to let yourself see it.

    Don't worry about age. Anyone with an overinflated ego in that area will get a kick later on in life. Payback is a bitch and she knows were everyone lives. :)

  4. Thanks for that, Kyle, but I've always found it difficult to take compliments seriously, looking for the speaker's motivation in saying positive things. I'd like to think your 2nd paragraph is true, so I'll use that as a 'consolation'

  5. Hey there Ray, Stan would tell you I am brutally honest, unfortunately to a fault. He has to see and hear that brutality honesty often. Compliments are hard to take. You and I are alike in that respect, I always assume a motivation when talking with people, I'm very distrustful in that respect. That's why my circle of friends is so small. Well, that and the fact I am a hermit.

    I'm hoping you won't be offended by this. I think you look a lot like the actor John Rhys-Davies and I find him attractive. When I first ran across your page I thought you might be him until I saw your name. I loved him on Sliders and Star Trek Voyager, along with dozens of other roles. In my head when I read your posts my mind pulls in his voice, as yours, as I have nothing else to work with.

  6. Kyle, I'm ashamed to admit that I've only just seen your above comment. I do tend to look back at comments on my blogs but in this case I didn't go back far enough. I knew the name Rhys-Davies but couldn't put a face (or a voice) to him. I've now looked him up and see that he's 2 1/2 years older than I am, which itself is good! Although I'm into hirsute faces and bodies I'm afraid he doesn't do that much for me, but as you say that you find him attractive I suppose I must thank you. But now whenever I see him on screen I'm going to be thinking of YOU - so there!
