Tuesday 9 April 2024

R.I.P. Dearest Patchie, my best friend in the entire world.


He passed away just 24 hours ago, here on my bathroom floor to where he'd hauled himself - a few months before he'd have turned 20. Collapsed kidneys, he was reduced to a fraction of the weight he was just a year ago. Vet had thought he had a chance of surviving so just day before yesterday I'd paid for expensive medication. No regrets.

Moved in with me in 2013, leaving his home 200 yards away, where he'd been co-habiting with 2 dogs. Owners had sent out fliers asking if anyone knew of his whereabouts. When I answered they were relaxed about letting me take him in, getting his microchip transferred.  

Patchie always very affectionate towards me, loving my lap (and purring loudly) - but ever hostile, and probably jealous, towards two others, Bobby and Sloopy (both from unidentified homes, both still here), who also moved in here a few years after his own arrival, he understandably likely regarding them as 'imposters'.

Missing him ever so profoundly, bless his little soul. πŸ’”


  1. I am so sorry that you have lost your dear Patchie. He was a very good age though and had a wonderful life with you being much loved. Doesn't make you miss him any less but remember he chose to live with you. xx

    1. Thanks so much, Carol - copious tears later. I valued him at least as much as he did me, knowing full well that I'm by no means unique in mourning a beloved pet's departure. Very likely that most of those reading this blog will have gone through the same, and possibly like me, for several times over - even if that doesn't make it any easier. His favourite places to sleep and his favourite foods (much still here) will be haunting coming days - just like my love for him.

  2. Much thanks to you, Mitch. You well know yourself the emotions these 'events' bring up, and how it takes over your life for a while- or longer. In time it'll settle and join all the other similarly poignant memories.

  3. I'm so sorry. Losing a beloved pet is one of the hardest things in life. Grief is the price we pay for love. Hugs to you.

    1. Very grateful for your kind words, Jennifer. As you know, it's not worse (or 'better') than losing a human relative or friend, it's something quite different in nature - but most of us have to go through this and, sadly, with the shorter lives of our furry friends, several or even many times over.

  4. Oh, Ray, I'm so sorry. I know how much Patchie meant to you. It is heartbreaking every single time we go through this. What a wonderful life you gave him. ♥

    1. And the immense happiness he gave back to me, Elle. Yes, though we know it just HAS to happen sometime, when it does it still lands like a hard punch to your very being. A day later I'm still tearing-up when I see the fur he shed and left in his resting places.

  5. Raybeard,
    I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved Patchie, but feel a little happiness in the joy and love you gave him in the last ten years and the joy and love he gave you right back.
    You rescued him, and he rescued you.
    RIP Dear Patchie

    1. Thanks, Bob. You too know how deep it hurts. It's a bit too soon yet to feel satisfied remembering the companionship and comforts I gave him, but I'm sure in time it will come. But the feeling of loss will stay forever, which you yourself will know only too well. Thanks again.

  6. I'm sorry to hear it. They really do become part of our family and deserve to be mourned. Sending you a virtual hug.

    1. Much gratitude for your hug, Sadie, which I'm dedicating to my most dear departed friend. May he sleep well, painlessly and in true peace - maybe for me to see him again 'later'.

  7. Oh Raybeard.....Im sorry to read this. No matter one cat or 20....it is always hard and painful to lose a pet. For they are friends and love us no matter what... unconditionally. Take comfort with your other two....and think of Patchie fondly. You just know Anne Marie was there to take him over the bridge.

    Hugs to you my friend.❤🌸🌺🌻🌷🐱

    1. Such heartening and uplifting words, M.M. They help me a lot. Thank you VERY much! XXXX

  8. I am so sorry for your loss. I know how hard it can be, saying good-bye. Wishing you great peace in the coming days. The most important thing we can do for an animal is to let them know they are loved. Thank you for taking such good care of you little one. My heart to you, dear.

    1. Great deal of thanks for your kind words, U. Now three days later still feeling numb at what happened and find myself glancing at his favourite resting places. maybe because underneath I'm somehow hoping it was just a bad dream. But of course it was real, and life, at least for some us, goes on.
      He well knew how much I reciprocated his affection and never took his presence for granted. I'll forever bless his memory in my heart.

  9. I am so sorry to see this. Hope you're making it through - I know how tough it is.

    1. Thanks so much for your comforting words, Blobby - and thanks too for your visit. I'll get through it no matter how much it's (still) hurting, just as I know that you have managed for the same kind of sad happenings.

  10. I am last in line but not less sad. There is no loss like this is there. It's the price we pay for loving a pet; we miss them so when they go. I am glad you are surrounded by love here, in the comment.

    1. The rewards which a pet gives us when they are here are so enriching, Dr Spo, that for some of us (not all, unfortunately) it's inconceivable how anyone could possibly mistreat them. It pleases me no end to know that you - like, I think - ALL my blog-pals are of similar mind.
      Thanks ever so much for your visit.

  11. Oh No. Ray, I am so sorry I'm so late in sending my condolences. My heart is breaking for you. Sending big hugs, my friend. I am so sorry for your loss.

    1. Thanks, S/b - though I know that it's an emotion you yourself well know from your own experiences. Such partings take away a piece of one's heart, never to be replaced, and there's nothing we can do about it. But that's a feature of the lives of we animal lovers, isn't it? Anyway, I've still got two more furry feline co-residents here. Only wish they'd get on with each other as I do to each of them!

  12. So sorry to hear this Ray. I came across a lady yesterday in St Nicholas churchyard (Btn) who was madly searching for her cat. The cat was called Billy, the same name as my dog. My Billy couldn't understand why this lady was calling his name all the time. I hope she found him. You have my sympathy.

    1. Thanks greatly for your visit and your sentiments, Cro-M. I'm familiar with that churchyard from when I lived in B'ton (1993-2000) - and went to at least one organ recital in that church.
      I do desperately hope that lady and her Billy were re-united. Having a pet that's lost causes one such anguish - and if it never turns up the pain is everlasting. I've total sympathy with her pain if it's still going on. Wish there was some way we could convey our sympathies and comfort to her.
      Meanwhile I take satisfaction in the knowledge that you're taking good care of your own precious Billy.
      Thanks once more for your visit and for your supporting thoughts, which are very much appreciated.

  13. Even though Patches is no longer where you are, he is everywhere you are. What a sweet soul, to have chosen you as his "person", and no greater love and honor can there be when such a pure soul decides, Yes -- this, here, where you are -- is where Home is. You were his Home, and you were where he wanted to be in life, and forever.What a treasure.

    1. Thank you, Vivian. While he was with me I never felt less than privileged that Patchie had chosen me as his life's companion. Witnessing his passing when I could do nothing to stop it was heart-breaking and has left a permanent mental scar - along with several others I still carry from similar occurrences in over the years. Now I've yet got two survivors to 'cope with' and who can be a real trial at times, though there again they did CHOOSE me to live with, so what else can one do but to treasure them too?
