Wednesday 28 August 2024



I've just about had enough! Why, oh WHY are the British TV networks, (including the BBC, of all bodies!) so darned obsessed with the projected reunion of group 'Oasis' to undertake a world tour, now 15 years after their break-up following the estrangement, now apparently reconciled, of brothers Liam and Noel Gallagher? It's even been second news item on some channels for three days! Is it that flaming important to the world, I ask you? Who cares, and I can't honestly think that there are that many who do, certainly not enough to merit such a high place of 'importance' on our news programmes? I definitely don't! Strewth! STOP IT. Just STOP IT NOW!!! 

(Now, if the Beatles had re-united around, say 1984, - okay, since writing this I realise that by then Lennon wasn't with us - now that would have been something to really make a song and dance about).

Wednesday 21 August 2024

Broken-heart time, half of world-famous gay penguin couple dies.


Sphen (here left), the elder at 11 years, has died at their home in Sydney Sea Life Aquarium. His partner, Magic, younger by three years - and this will surely touch you, as it's brought myself to the edge of tears - was shown Sphen's body to help him know that his best friend will not return - at which he started 'singing' and was joined by other penguins in the colony. I'm now weeping!  Oh, cruel world!